See what customers are saying.
“In 2001 we purchased our first HL-55.Now we own six lathes and one VMC-1100.We are successfully supplying the oil and gas industry with high quality tools by improving our process time 20% with very little down time. Tool cost dropped significantly while production output increased. Standardizing our production workflow with FEMCO machinery solved our problems by providing outstanding service and machines that help us meet the demands of our customers.”
Tom Bowers, Owner/President,
Houston Oilfield Equipment, Houston,TX
“After years of driving monster trucks I decided to make some improvements to the performance. I did this by designing and machining my own parts. I purchased two FEMCO machines and started my own machine shop. Today I machine all the components for the shocks on monster trucks using FEMCO machines. Their quality service and dependable machines help to support our custom fabrication.”
Paul & Tina Huffaker,
Racesource, Inc., Tomball, TX
“We needed another machine to keep up with production. Purchasing an efficient and economical machine would help us stay competitive with the oilfield industry. We wanted another CNC lathe and to stay with a company that we knew and trusted, that company is FEMCO. We now own four FEMCO machines, three of them have been with us from the beginning. We just purchased the HL-35. Our parts, tooling and manpower are running smoothly. We found exactly what we were looking for.”
Jorge Alanis, Jr., Owner,
Omega Tubular Product, Houston, TX